The extraordinary diving abilities of a young boy from Arizona who is just 14 years old are demonstrating that “anyone can do anything.”
Zeke Sanchez is shown in a video that has gone viral on TikTok putting his arms up before doing a fantastic reverse somersault. Sanchez is seen standing on a diving board in the sun.
The technique is then immediately followed with a clean tuck and a complete twist while in mid-air.
The dives that Zeke has posted on TikTok alone have amassed millions of views. It did not take long at all for media sources such as ESPN, Barstool Sports, and SportsCenter to acknowledge his brilliance and begin sharing his films.
The diving videos that Zeke posts are also shared on Instagram, where he has garnered a great deal of admiration from other people who use the internet.
He said to the Guardian that it was “really unbelievable.” “Because I believe that everyone can do whatever they set their mind to, it makes me incredibly glad to see the positive replies,” said the author.
Back in 2018, Zeke uploaded a video on Instagram showing his failed effort to dive, and it ended up receiving more than 180,000 views. A sports website took it up, but they didn’t include Zeke in the article at all. The young man believed it would be nice to become known once again, so he began uploading diving films once more on his YouTube channel. This time, though, his efforts were rewarded with success.
“They’ve never actually seen a youngster who is able to achieve anything like that before, especially one who is as little as I am.” However, in his interview with ABC 15 Arizona, he said, “I believe that if you truly want to try and achieve anything, and if you put your mind to it, that you could do it.”
His father, Freddie Sanchez, is pleased that his son, Zeke, has been able to shatter preconceptions in the sport that he plays.
He explained it like this: “People see these extremely little guys or women achieving these really remarkable things.” “I don’t believe that people anticipate seeing someone of a greater size carrying out such activities. However, Zeke has a great deal of bravery.
The things that he accomplishes are not simple, and they require a great deal of work… “Zeke is highly committed,” he went on to say. “Not just in regard to athletics, but to everything else as well.”
However, Zeke’s sudden rise to stardom did come with certain drawbacks. The unfavorable remarks that others would make about his physique served merely to motivate him to do better in the future.
“He is a strong guy and he is able to use that as motivation to keep going,” said Zeke’s mother, Anjanette Sanchez. “He is able to take something negative and turn it into something positive.” “He deserves a lot of credit for the way he carries himself,” I said.
Zeke makes the conscious decision to look on the bright side of life despite the fact that other people may be really cruel.
He responded by saying, “I can understand the criticisms.” “Because [they] encourage me to keep pushing myself to do better,” she said.
And now that his films are becoming popular all around the globe, he is hoping that diving coaches at collegiate levels will take note.
After participating in a summer camp for two weeks, during which he was instructed in several water sports, including water polo and diving, Zeke began diving when he was eight years old.
“I actually loved it a lot,” he recalls saying at the time. “I was like, Mom, I don’t want to do water polo. I want to keep diving.”
Zeke receives coaching from Lauren Lopez at the East Valley Dive Club in Mesa, Arizona, where he is now doing his diving practice. Everything has been enjoyable for him thus far.
He remarked, “I truly enjoy the environment, and I really adore the guys.” Every time we get together, there is a ton of laughter and everyone is really supportive of one another.
After competing in the 2022 Arizona Regionals, Zeke will go on to the next level of competition, which is a national qualifier. After that, the best ten divers will compete in the national competition. The athlete said that he is “very enthusiastic” about the competition and expressed his desire to compete this year.
His participation in collegiate diving competitions is his “ultimate aim,” but he also said that competing in the Olympics would be “very awesome.”
Although Zeke has gotten a significant amount of acclaim online, one message in particular from actor Adam Devine stands out to him.
An Instagram photo was remarked on by the “Workaholics” star with the phrase, “I found a new life hero.”
“I had no idea that I would end up becoming somebody’s hero. “I felt so glad that so many people can see how hard I work, to see what I do,” Zeke said. “It just shows how much I care about what I do.”
This young guy is an inspiration to many, particularly children who are his size and age who are discouraged from engaging in sports because of their stature. They now have someone to aspire to be like in Zeke since he is so successful in his career.