A 93-year-old grandmother sings a sentimental old song as her son plays the guitar… Here to watch it!

A 93-year-old grandmother sings a sentimental old song as her son plays the guitar… Here to watch it!

This was such a nice sentiment to hear coming from someone who has been through so much. As she sang the song, I got the distinct sensation that I could share in all of the highs and lows that she had experienced throughout her life.

Nita Talley, a Memphis native who is 93 years old, gives a stunning performance of “One Day at a Time,” showcasing how she fostered a love of music in her grandkids via her own passion for the art form.

She has that love in her heart even now.

According to the video, she was joined by two other members of her family, each of whom played the guitar while singing and performing the gospel hymn One Day at a Time, which was written by Marijohn Wilkin and Kris Kristofferson.

Given that the song focuses on faith and the journey that life takes, the title of the song is quite appropriate.

Nevertheless, when our parents and grandparents become older, they may find that religion plays an especially significant role in their lives. Although the younger generation is often less religious than older generations, this may alter as the younger population continues to age.

Certain people’s lives are directed by the beliefs they hold. Even those who do not have a religion are moved to shed a tear when they see this grandma sing with her grandchildren and other family members.

At first glance, Nita gave off the impression of being a little bit bored.
At first, she showed little interest in what was going on, but shortly after, she began singing along.

The woman’s ability to convey such a broad spectrum of feelings via her singing made it very evident that she had led a full life. Additionally, it seemed that she was really content.

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