The rich woman came to the psychologist and complained that she was not happy. Then the psychologist called his old cleaning lady in and... everyone should know THIS

The rich woman came to the psychologist and complained that she was not happy. Then the psychologist called his old cleaning lady in and… everyone should know THIS

The rich woman came to the psychologist and complained that she was not happy. Then the psychologist called his old cleaning lady in and…
Everyone should know THIS. A rich woman went to a psychologist and complained that her life was empty, there was no meaning. Ho-
Geban listened attentively to her feelings and then called in the old cleaner.

— Now Maria will tell you how she found her happiness. You are required to listen to him carefully.

The old cleaning lady put aside the wood of the floor and began to tell.

— My husband died of cancer, and 3 months after that, a car accident took the life of my only son. I was left alone. I couldn’t
I couldn’t sleep in the rain, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t smile… I even thought about ending my life. One day though
On my way home from work in the evening, I noticed a cat walking behind me from the bus stop.


It was so cold outside, I took pity on him and took him home. The cat was hungry, and when I gave him milk, he ate it all, and

then it started to rub on my legs. At that moment I smiled for the first time in months. I thought, what if?
helping a little cat made me smile, so maybe I can be happy by doing good to others.

The next day I made cookies and took them to my sick neighbor. I did something good for someone every day.
where Their joy made me happy. Now my appetite and health can only be envied. I found mine
happiness by sharing it with others.

When the cleaner finished speaking, the rich woman began to cry… She had a lot of money, but she had lost what was old a long time ago.
not good to buy.

Life is wonderful not when you are happy yourself, but when you make others happy. Happiness is not
is a goal, but a WAY. It doesn’t depend on circumstances, happiness IS A CONSCIOUS DECISION

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