The 14-year-old came out on stage in shame. The jury laughs at her choice of song, but when she started to sing, everyone was surprised…

The 14-year-old came out on stage in shame. The jury laughs at her choice of song, but when she started to sing, everyone was surprised…

Sheina, 14, is very shy. Despite her vocal talent, the girl did not risk appearing on the stage of a TV show for a long time.

However, family and friends supported Sheina, “in any case, she appeared on the stage of her dream in front of many spectators and television cameras”.

When Sheina told the jury which song she was going to sing, they laughed at the girl for this choice.

In front of them stood a modest and insecure girl, they could not have imagined that she would sing like that. But she did it anyway.

Watch how wonderfully she performs this song.

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