Alsace: aged 100 and 101, Raymond and Janine will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary this year

Alsace: aged 100 and 101, Raymond and Janine will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary this year

Two centenarians live in Strasbourg: Janine and Raymond Olff are respectively 101 and 100 years old. Former resistance fighters during the Second World War will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary this year.

In Alsace, in Strasbourg, live Janine and Raymond Olff. In 2020, Janine celebrated her 100th birthday. Two years later, Raymond caught up with her and also passed the hundred mark, this Wednesday, January 19. However, life has not been easy for this couple, who experienced the traumatic events of the Second World War.

Raymond Olff was born in Réguisheim, Alsace, and grew up in his parents’ butcher’s shop. As a teenager, he demonstrated alongside railway workers and then quickly became involved in the fight against fascism. He joined the Socialist Youth and demonstrated in favor of Republican Spain. Raymond will spend his life in Alsace and will engage in the Resistance.

In 1944, he joined the maquis and was appointed head of detachment. That’s when he meets Janine.

A couple of centenarians in Strasbourg
Born into a Jewish family, Janine was a nurse in the maquis when she met Raymond. Together, the couple will create a 30-bed hospital with the help of two doctors. Demobilized a few years later, Raymond returned to his native village and married Janine in 1947. The man continued to work at the head of an import/export company until his retirement. During their long life, Janine and Raymond had three children.

Once retired , Raymond did not stop being active since he joined the National Association of Resistance Veterans and gave lectures in schools.

Today, Janine and Raymond are 101 and 100 years old respectively. The two centenarians both still live in their house and are perfectly independent. The only task they agreed to delegate to their daughters: shopping. Very surrounded, Janine and Raymond currently have six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

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