While walking on the shore of the lake, the boy noticed that bubbles were coming out of the water. When he came closer, the whole village was amazed at what he saw...

While walking on the shore of the lake, the boy noticed that bubbles were coming out of the water. When he came closer, the whole village was amazed at what he saw…

While walking on the shore of the lake, the boy noticed that bubbles were coming out of the water. When he came closer, the whole village was amazed at what he saw…

This incident happened in Estonia, in Kurtna Matas jarva, when one of the local boys was walking near it. The boy had no idea what was waiting for him. When he was walking near the lake, he suddenly saw bubbles rising from the lake and thought that someone was drowning there. he called an ambulance.


The gathered people tried to understand what was there, but they only found a large metal viewing hole, but further developments were more interesting. It took a lot of effort, but what they pulled out from the bottom of the water amazed them.

It turned out to be a Soviet armored T-34 tank weighing 27 tons. It was still not rusted, even more, all its equipment was in working order, and inside it there were 116 sna ryads.

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